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Senator Lorraine R. Inouye

Hawai‘i State Senator Lorraine Rodero Inouye is the most experienced elected official on Hawai‘i Island and one of the most experienced in the state.

State Senator Experience
Senator Inouye has represented Hawai‘i Island for the past eight years and previously, she represented District 1 in the Senate from 1998 to 2008.

She is currently the Hawai‘i Senate’s Majority Whip and throughout her tenure in the Senate has served on the powerful Ways & Means Committee (which oversees financial policies, taxation, and budget). The senator chairs the Senate Water and Land Committee and is vice chair of the Transportation Committee.

Her Journey
Part of the fabric of Hawai‘i Island, Senator Inouye was born and raised in the sugar plantation camp of Wainaku, just outside Hilo. In her early career, she worked in the hospitality industry in various management roles; she served on the county’s planning commission and the Hawaii State Plan Policy Council before she was elected to Hawai‘i County Council, then Mayor and finally, the State Senate. She owns Aloha Blooms, Inc., a 10 acre farm, with her husband, Vern.

Senator Inouye continues to be guided by her parents’ mantra as she grew up in the plantation camp with seven brothers and sisters, “Work hard, be honest and help one another.”

Her family didn’t ask for much and appreciated the supportive community and wholesome environment. She learned a genuine love for the land and its people. These things molded her values and continue to guide her. Senator Inouye embraces her past as she seeks to improve our island’s and state’s future.

Community Oriented
She has been honored by the Big Island Press Club; National Guard Association of the U.S.; University of Hawai‘i-Hilo Alumni & Friends Association; Big Island Filipino Women’s Civic Club for outstanding community service; Hawai‘i Farm Bureau Federation for distinguished service; United Filipino Council of Hawai‘i for government service; Girl Scouts of Hawai‘i multiple times, and she was named one of 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the U.S.

She is the mother of three, grandmother of five, and four great grandchildren.

Find out more information on the projects Senator Inouye has championed.

View Her Resume


Marvin Min

I have known Senator Inouye for a long time and she is someone who works tirelessly and continues to listen to our community. Her passion is to represent the community, as well as the best interest of the state. She has the experience to get things done and has shown that through her leadership roles within the senate. Let’s continue to support her so she can help our community further!

Cassie Lamson Lee

As a teacher, I appreciate how Senator Lorraine Inouye has supported many bills to address teacher shortages and salary compression. She understands the importance of ensuring our children have a quality public education.

Leonard Tanaka

One of my greatest appreciations for Senator Inouye is her concern for local businesses like ours. Her leadership experience at the State Legislature allows her to introduce and advocate legislation that supports businesses, our economy and our families. She has always been responsive to my calls and inquiries.

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